
South American Dota community boosted by a new League

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myRevenge along with Azubu.tv, TteSPORTS and DreamliveTv  joined their strengths to bring the first DotA 2 League entirely designed to encourage and promote the South American Dota 2 community.

Southamerican Championship by TteSPORTS.com might not boast an insane prize pool but it surely looks like a great starting point for some teams eager to make the next step towards a professional gaming career.

The entire championship will take place over the course of almost four months and it will start with eight qualifier cups.

Keep in mind that the entire event is addressed to the South American teams and players only, therefore this is the main condition for you to be eligible to register for one of the qualifier cups. Registrations are tax free and can be done here.

Starting with this weekend September 12th, the first qualifier cup will kick off followed by seven more up until October. The best two teams from each qualifier cup will advance to group stages where eight directly invited teams will wait for them. The total of 24 participating (16 from qualifier cups + 8 directly invited) teams will be split up in four groups with six teams each.

Among the invited teams there are a few familiar faces like paiN Gaming and Sector V (ex Not Today roster).

Invited Teams:

Group stages will be played in November with the top two teams from each group proceeding to the Playoffs which will take place in December.

Prize Pool distribution:

1st $300 + 5 keyboards and 5 mouses Ttesports

2nd $175 + 5 headsets Ttesports

3th $125 + 5 mouses Ttesports

4th $50 + 5 mousepads Ttesports

All the rules and details about the Southamerican Championship by TteSPORTS.com can be found here.

source: myRevenge.net, SouthamericanChampionship facebook page.

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