
Heen about returning to Dota after military service hiatus: “It was like recovering from an injury”

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MVP.Hot6’s Lee “Heen” Seung Gon is one of the Korean rising stars that has graced the Dota 2 scene in recent years. Big in esports in general, Korea has recently become more invested in Dota 2. In his TI5 player profile, Heen opens up about the impact his military service had on his professional gaming career and the opportunities that came his way afterwards.

Coming from Korea – a country that has one of the biggest esports scenes in the world, Heen started playing video games in his childhood, around the age of eight or nine.

It wasn’t uncommon for him to see many professional gamers around, making a lot of money and becoming famous.

The more he saw it, the more it appealed to him. Furthermore, the more he tried, the more he felt that he could become one as well.

By the time he was 22 years old, he was playing competitively and felt that his career was finally going to take off.

In an industry where those in their late teens and early twenties seem to dominate the top spots, Heen was just on the edge of breaking in. And then he didn’t.

Within moments, his dream would have to be put on hold for some time. He was called to complete his mandatory military service at the age of 24.

With dismay, Heen admits that the military service was a difficult time for him. He thought he was playing his best Dota just before he had to abruptly be removed from the scene, after years of striving towards his goal.

He spent the following years after his military service, trying to put the pieces back together and recover from his absence.

Read more at Dotablast

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