
Interview with IG: «This year is a western year»

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IG was the last Chinese team to arrive at The International 5, arriving only yesterday, how is the process of adjusting to the jetlag going? Did the team manage to get some training done?

BuRNing: We handled the jet lag pretty well but a few of us still woke up early [due to jet lag]. We have been training the entire time and when we arrived, whoever we could play we played against.

Could you tell us about who you played with and the results of the scrims?

ChuaN: We trained against the western teams who were either in the other group or proceeded [to the main event] from the qualifiers. Whether we won or not...I'm not revealing it.

How is IG feeling walking into this tournament? On IG there are three former TI2 champions and a fourth place finisher at TI4, so what are your expectations? 

Ferrari_430: We want to win the group stage and enter the main event, then at the main event, we want to maintain composure and get into the top four.

(ChuaN starts laughing)

Why did you laugh ChuaN? What is your difference in opinion?

We came here to get fourth place.

Does this have to do with you BurNIng?

Maybe they think I'll be concerned.

What do you think the chances of a Chinese team winning TI5 are?

Luo: I feel that LGD and VG both can do it, I think that the Chinese teams will most probably win this year. I feel that even CDEC and EHOME stand a chance.

Faith: I feel like this year is a western year, the victors of Ti5 is likely to be either Secret or EG. As for the Chinese teams, based on recent scrim results, the better Chinese teams are LGD and VG.

Read more at GosuGamers

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