An update is coming! Good news, our fellow Dota 2 fans!

Теги Bulbasavr Dota 2

The TI5 Live app will be updated after the International 2015 and will cover all major DOTA 2 leagues, teams and games. We’ll send you a push notification as soon as update is ready.

If you have ideas to share with our product or editorial teams, please contact us via

5 комментариев
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Awesome app. Keep on going! I expect huge updates, tournaments, live games, news, storys, replays, statics, interviews and etc. I hope you will be great with this. Good job.
Keep up the good work
Good ! I hooe this apps more update about dota 2 tournament . Not only Ti .
Ответ zgr Kalender
Awesome app. Keep on going! I expect huge updates, tournaments, live games, news, storys, replays, statics, interviews and etc. I hope you will be great with this. Good job.
Thx for support!
Ответ Arep Gaara
Good ! I hooe this apps more update about dota 2 tournament . Not only Ti .
yeah, we work on new version include Starladder, BTS, JoinDota and other top tournaments and more stats about players&teams
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