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  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    The Defense #5: ATN's Exotic Deer could upset ScaryFacezzz

    Team Alternate made their debut yesterday in The Defense #5 taking on se Lemondogs who suffered an early defeat to newteam123 2-0 the day before. The Swedes were in for another tough match as the Poles came in top form.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    Riding Solo: SEA veteran Xtinct heads to China to play for VG Potential

    Chan ‘Xtinct’ Zhan Leong will continue his competitive career in China, after accepting an offer to play for Vici Gaming Potential. The Malaysian was part of Mushi’s Team Malaysia last year, but aside from a brief cameo playing for Can’t Say Wips in the DAC qualifiers, has faded away from the spotlight of the SEA scene. Xtinct’s claim to fame was 3rd place at TI3 with Orange eSports, and he remains one of SEA’s highest profile players.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    Dota 2 updates; Reborn, Levels, compendium rewards

    Valve’s Dota 2 updates to Reborn will include the introduction of Dota Levels, release the new Treasury, enable the Tournaments area of the Watch section, roll out Reborn to all players and provide the Weather Effect items for all TI5 Compendium owners. The updates are expected to be completed by the next two days.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    American teams begin the fight for an invite to the Nanyang Championships

    The Nanyang Dota 2 Championships kick off the Online American Qualifiers today with new teams getting their first chance at competing since The International shuffle officially ending on September 5th.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    The official statement about the cancelation of Gaming Paradise

    «We tried hard to work things out, but after a great deal of consideration, we realised we had to cancel the Dota 2 tournament to ensure that we can go through with the rest of the event.»
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    5Jungs show fragility on opening day of The Defense

    The Defense Season V kicked off with 5Jungs versus Danish Bears, and after the first game it felt rather cruel for the Danish public to be introduced to Dota 2 by witnessing their nation be pumelled to the ground.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    Xtinct and Fan join Vici Gaming.Potential

    Replacing two leaving members on VG.P is the renowned Malaysian player Joel ‘Xtinct’ Chan Zhan Leong and EP’s Carry Fan ‘FaN’ Yi Xuan.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    SyndereN and Maelk on Good Morning Denmark in run-up to The Defense

    Troels ‘syndereN’ Nielsen and Jacob ‘Maelk’ Toft-Andersen both appeared on Good Morning Denmark on Tv2 in the run-up to their broadcast on TV2 Zulu of The Defense which starts today.
  • Автор George Yadvidchuk

    Content creator NoobfromUA forced to apologise following call out by Zai

    NoobfromUA is an established figure in the world of Dota 2 video content, producing highlight reels of high profile matches or memorable moments. However, the Ukranian was under fire earlier today after se Ludwig ‘zai’ Wåhlberg tweeted for him to ask permission before taking video/audio footage from his stream. The dialogue caused community members to pick sides, and NoobfromUA ultimately had yet another slap on the wrist.
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