Автор George Yadvidchuk -
Автор George Yadvidchuk Invictus Gaming and EHOME to face off in the ESL ONE New York Chinese qualifiers finals
Автор George Yadvidchuk Invictus Gaming; the first finalist of the Nanyang China qualifiers
Автор George Yadvidchuk Holiday is over: VP to make debut against MB in WCA after 5 weeks away
Автор George Yadvidchuk Bamboe on form as 4C&L take the first-ever Elimination Mode title
Автор George Yadvidchuk Nanyang Qualifiers; The reborn IG vs CDEC.Y, the remnant of Team CIS
Автор George Yadvidchuk Dota2 Champions League #6 kicks off tomorrow ft. Empire and Hellraisers
Автор George Yadvidchuk Monkey Business crush CISR to qualify for MLG World Finals
Автор George Yadvidchuk The Summit 4 announced for $100,000 prize pool
Автор George Yadvidchuk 6.85 announced by IceFrog