BakS Esports

CEO BakS EU VitRein about team's performance at the Monthly Final September

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An exciting match turned out...

Yesterday's Monthly Final was very emotional and fast, for us. But all the strongest negative emotions just flew by faster than it, there was no confusion or the like, it's strange...

Usually close defeats are given, more emotionally and much worse for me, but here it's as if we lost and forgot. 🤔

I talked to Lars, it seemed that something similar happened to him, maybe our subconscious feels that everything is going according to plan? Or maybe we just went crazy on nervous grounds 😅

Let's talk about the game and the future:

I thought it would be better, based on past games, and it should have been. But NaVi showed their best side, we could not.

Why so?

I am sure that the mental part, motivation, played an important role in this. Everyone was very motivated, of course, but I mean the motivation when you realize in your head: "I am the winner", it seems it can be attributed to motivation, that's exactly where we were weaker. On it affected the fact that NaVi beat everyone on the eve in the Rush Stars Tier 1 playoff, it's just fine to take first place in any tournament, the day before the most important match, we, alas, have a worse picture, departure from the Rush Stars group and two defeats in the Queso Cup.


People started writing in the comments about our brawlers combinations. Well, the analytics are on me, I was aware of the danger, but we did not attach due importance to it, otherwise, not the worst picks, I do not think that this was the main thing in the defeat, and especially since I will not blame anyone for this.

The chances of reaching the 2022 World Finals?

Every time we talk about chances after defeats, sometimes after victories. Now the most important thing is that there are chances, that everything depends only on us, I hate it when someone else decides your fate.

What are the team's plans?

We will be preparing for a week to qualify for the next Monthly Final, which will be held in October. There will be a battle for the last slot of the World Finals, which can continue in the Monthly Finals. There are many teams, one place, it will be interesting!

Everything is going according to plan 😉

Here's Reply Totem, they reached the World Final almost before everyone else, the last Monthly Final is not particularly important for them, but we will definitely experience vivid emotions and the fans will be interested, everything is for you! 💚🖤

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