4 Anchors picked up by Stark eSports

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It’s been almost a year since 4 Anchors + Sea Captain have been played without an organization or a sponsor behind. This comes to an end as they now have signed with the newly born organization Stark eSports.

The Finish squad 4Anchors + Sea Captain have been around since the post TI4 shuffle when the old Fnatic disbanded. 4ACS have been constantly trying to break into the tier one teams elite club but losing Jerax at the beginning of this year messed with their mojo and they failed to qualify for The International 5. Recently Matumbaman has left the team as well, joining 5JuNGz and he was replaced with Niklas 'ockya' Koskinen, a player quasi-unknown on the big scene but who took the drafting duties for the Finns while the carry role is now played by Buugi.

Two days ago a new German team organization, Stark eSports have announced their entrance with two disciplines covered. They have acquired the finish Dota2 team 4 Anchors + Sea Captain along with a Fifa team as well. This means that from now on we will see the 4ASC boys playing under the Stark name.

“We'll kick off the STARK brand with a Finnish DOTA2 squad we all have been following for a long long time now, formerly known as 4ASC. In addition to that, we'll welcome a group of who we consider to be the best FIFA players in Europe. Humble beginnings! “

Stark roster:

  • Joni "Buugi" Fält
  • Sampsa "nemphy" Kutvonen
  • Kalle "Trixi" Saarinen
  • Mikko "vaalix" Ristimäki
  • Niklas "okcya" Koskinen
  • Matti "Laged" Parkkila (Team Manager)

The Stark organization have also released a two parts interview with Trixi and the team manager, Lagged in which they speak about the future plans with their new found home. One of the team’s main goals according to both Trixi and the team manager is to qualify for the upcoming Frankfurt major and right now they will be focusing on getting comfortable with okcya leading/drafting and also to buugi being their new carry.

“We’re definitely looking forward to the majors – we’re hungry to take part in a big tournament after failing to qualify for TI5. I would personally love to get more experience from LAN events as well, so online tournaments might not be that high on our priority list.” Full interview can be found here.

Source: stark.gg, GosuGamers

headline image from Stark’s facebook page