The ultimate TI5 Cosplay gallery: The Wows and the Whats

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What time is it? It's cosplay time! To celebrate the game, Valve organised a professional photoshoot for all cosplayers who came to The International 5. Hop in to view a collection of impressive cosplays on August 5, 2015. Great move by Valve to hold a fantastic photoshoot with awesome Dota enthusiasts. We have Pudge, Invoker as well as a lot of Crystal Maidens. And a T-Rex too. You won't be disappointed.  

To bring hype to the "casual" $18 million tournament known as The International this year, Valve organised a cosplay day where they did a professional photoshoot for all cosplayers on the 5th of August 2015. Some impressed with their attention to detail, others with their creativity and resourcefulness. We are delighted to bring you the cosplays that will leave the audience excited and (other times) confused of The International 5!  

The Wows


The Whats


All in all, cosplayers had a great day and it shows that Valve has stepped up their game in creating a thoroughly enjoyable atmosphere at The International, an occassion when everyone's passion for the game is celebrated!


For the full album click here Bonus: The Crystal Maiden family.



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