Gaming Paradise 2015: 4C&L and 4ASC joining

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Two teams 4ASC and 4C&L have also confirmed their attendance to the Gaming Paradise 2015 event and will be joining Empire, VP, NiP and Alliance at the event. 

The Gaming Paradise 2015 has a very unique flavor to it, it combines a gaming tournament and a sea side vacation. The event will go on the 6th of September through 13 of September in Portoroz, Slovenia. Gaming Paradise 2015 will consist of two major tournaments along with a few other smaller tournaments - CS:GO (6-8 September) and Dota2 (10-12 September).

The tournament already had four teams but now will be adding two more to the existing roster, namely4ASC and 4C&L. The Finnish stack 4 Anchors had a great performance in the TI5 European qualifier but fell at the last hurdle, it'll be interesting to see how they will perform here next month.

4 Clovers on the other have shown no promise outside of winning a few official matches online and will be looking forward to compete against some big name temas from the European Region. 

Participating teams: (Not final)


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