DeMoN's new team: pub stars and old favorites

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It looks like DeMoN has found a new team after parting with Champions of Summer’s Rift. The only position still under consideration is 5; otherwise, this roster is final. The yet unnamed team has a roster consisting of:

  • Position 1 - RitsuPosition
  • Position 2 - YawarPosition
  • Position 3 - BulbaPosition
  • Position 4 - DeMoNPosition
  • Position 5 - Way-To-Sexy

Of particular interest are Ritsu and Yawar. Right now, Ritsu is a 7k player with a viable hero pool commonly seen in pro player pub matches and Yawar is the older brother of Suma1L, the 16 year old prodigy mid player from TI5 champions Evil Geniuses. With the rest of the team, these competitive newcomers should be in good hands to make their debut. It is even rumored that there is a sponsorship deal in the works with Redbull, should they have positive results in their first few months.
